Anna university phd enterance January 2023 - Hall ticket download
How to download the Anna university Hall ticket for the phd enterance exam January 2023
Step1 :
In order to download the hall ticket Click the link given below and follow the steps given below
once after the clicking the link, you will be redirected to next page (i.e) you will be landing on the page which looks like this
Step 2 :
Enter your reference number and your registered mail ID. you will be landing on the page
In this tab, click on the click here icon as mentioned below
Step 3 : You can download the hall ticket which will be in pdf format, then take the print of that. you should bring the hard copy of the hall ticket with any photo proof while writing the exam.
1. Candidates should check the Hall ticket and if there is any discrepancy, it should be immediately reported to the O/o Centre
for Research, Anna University, Chennai for necessary action.
2. No Candidates shall be allowed to enter the hall half-an-hour after the commencement of the test and shall not be permitted
to leave the examination hall till fifteen minutes before the end of the test.
3. Use of calculators, log tables, communication devices such as cellular phone etc. are not allowed inside the hall.Possession
of such devices inside the examination hall is punishable as per Anna University norms.
4. Candidates are advised to retain this Hall ticket to produce at the time of Admission.
5. Candidates without a valid Hall ticket shall not be allowed to enter the examination hall.
6. Candidates have to return the Answer Sheet and Question Book after completion of the test.
7. Malpractice is punishable as per Anna University norms.
8. This Hall Ticket is generated based on the information furnished by the candidate
9. Admission will be confirmed after fulfilling the norms.
10.Please bring any one original Photo identity card as a proof.
Anna university phd enterance Hall ticket download January 2023 - Hall ticket download
for Anna university phd enterance reseach methodology mcq click the link given below
Research methodology MCQ for Annauniversity phd enterance exam
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