
ICSE 10 Maths - 100 marks guarantee if you follow these steps

  I appreciate your confidence level, to get 100 marks in ICSE maths, So that only you came here.

In order to get 100 marks first you need to concentrate on these books.

Books need to be concentrated

Concise selina
Das gutha

By going through all these books you may come across several models of problems, so that you would not miss a chance to see all the problems that have been asked in your exams

First 15 minutes decide what kind of questions you need to attend

In recent days ICSE students find difficulty in answering the question on time, So this passage  helps you to find out things which you want to follow while writing the exam in order to get 100 marks.

In First 15 minutes, the question paper will be distributed, and time will be given for you to go through the question paper. 

You have to use this time effectively to select the questions which you want to attend in order to avoid confusion while writing the exam.

Given data carries marks

Very very important

Rough work

Please put a column on right side and make sure that your rough work should be neatly maintained.
In case if you make mistake, there is a chance that if the examinar is linenant, he/ she may award marks for the silly mistake you have done.
Extra questions
If you have enough time after completing your compulsory questions, you can attend extra questions.
For example , Let's assume that if your making a mistake in a question and you have got 9 marks, in this situation if you have got 10 marks which you have written in extra then examinar will take that marks for your total.

If you have not answer for a particular question leave some space and move on to next question don waste time on a single question.


While attending graphs, mention x-axis and y- axis, write the scale,don overwrite, don use dotted lines to join the curve

General way to prepare
Get ten year question paper, try to solve all the question in that,
fix the time and solve a question paper as if like your solving in examination.
Write the formulas in the boxes. So that even you make mistake you will be given step marks

Answers should be highlighted with box

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